Thursday, February 28, 2013

Like a Movement with 250 more schools than last year...It's Growin'!

Tyler and Drew are directly to the left of that funky-shaped
lamp -- or possibly just a statue -- by the window
Last weekend UIUC Beyond Coal traveled to Swarthmore, PA to meet up with 76 other campuses and divestment campaigns from all over the country! Needless to say, the movement is growing (very similar to the love the Temptations have). If you want to check out the awesome video, some pictures, and other updates from the nationwide movement, head over to!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Forward on Climate Rally

Pictures from our trip to DC for the "Forward on Climate" rally coming soon! 

Until then, check out the piece in the DI under the "In the News" tab.

(If you want something a little more controversial, HuffPost has details on where Obama was as we marched to the White House)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Here the photo of us at the Do The Math Tour! And yes, we are the ones front row with the yellow Beyond Coal shirts!


Bill McKibben's Thought Bubble

Heres just a little video I stumbled upon!
Is the narration by Bill McKibben or Owen Wilson?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Check This Out! UIUC's Apartheid Divestment Movement!

Check out this page from our fellow divestment campaigners at Swarthmore! The article features University of Illinois's apartheid divestment movement! Time for us to call on the Board of Trustees!