When: Friday April 26, 12pm
Where: University of Illinois Quad
This Earth Week, we need to remind our university of their commitments to the climate and demand they do more, faster.
UIUC Beyond Coal is asking the university to divest (sell its shares) from the Filthy 15 dirtiest utilities, coal operators and mining companies in the U.S.
Why Coal?
Every year in the United States, there are 21,000 deaths, 24,000 hospitalizations, and 280,000 severe asthma attacks attributable to the impacts of mining and burning coal.
The investment in and perpetuation of coal is as much a human rights issue as it is an environmental issue.
Join us the Friday of Earth Week to hear speakers on
- the coal divestment movement,
- the devastating effects of the energy source, and
- the disproportionate impact of environmental harms on low-income communities and communities of color
Take back Earth Day for what it is -- our stage to push for environmental, social, and economic justice.
(look for the orange square on campus, the national symbol of the fossil fuel divestment movement -- 250 schools...and counting http://gofossilfree.org/
Contact Tyler.Rotche@gmail.com
Visit www.uiucbeyondcoal.com